How do I get my password?
When purchasing a course for any camp, a new user has the opportunity to create an account on the ordering page. By selecting this item, the system will automatically register you your first and last name to the email address specified above the checkbox. A link to set a password will be sent to the specified email address.
For existing users on the site, logging in with his/her credentials is available both from the checkout page and/or the drop down menu at the top right of the main page.
How do I know that I completed my registration?
Make sure you submit your order after reviewing it. After submitting your order you should be directed to a page with a four digit order number at the top left. If you are paying by check, print the invoice and mail it in with a check to the address specified at the bottom of the invoice. If you are paying by credit card, follow the steps for paying through the MV Webstore. Spots are not reserved and registration is not complete until payment is received.
Where do I send the payment? Who do I make the check out to?
You can pay by credit card using the instructions on the home page. Checks should be made out to Monte Vista Speech and Debate and mailed to Monte Vista High School, 3131 Stone Valley Road, Danville, CA 94526, Attn. David Matley. If you have registered close to the date of the camp your payment should be hand-delivered. Students cannot participate in the camp if we have not received payment before the start of the first day.
How do I know when my order has been completed?
Once we receive your payment, your order status will be changed to completed and you will receive an email confirmation note. Make sure you add to your contacts or your confirmation email could go to your spam folder.
How do I make changes to my registration?
Once your order is submitted, you cannot make changes to your order. Please contact David Matley at to make any changes to your order. If you would like a receipt or print an invoice just click on the “orders” option in your account.
Can I cancel my registration?
You may cancel your completed registration at any time for any reason and receive a full refund up until June 1st for the summer camps. However, there are no refunds after June 1st. After 30 days, a pending order will be canceled automatically due to non-payment. If you would like to cancel your order and request a refund before the deadline above please contact Mr. Matley at
What classes do you recommend?
For students in middle school I recommend public speaking and parli debate. For students in high school I recommend any other class besides public speaking.
Where does my child go on campus when they arrive at Monte Vista
We have an orientation and registration between 8:30-9:00 am on the first morning of each camp. Registration will take place in front of the Monte Vista Theatre and orientation will take place inside the Theatre. At this time students will be informed of their classroom number and they will meet their instructors. For our Outreach Program students should try to arrive at the Monte Vista commons 15 minutes before the first class meeting.
What do I need to bring to registration for Grade Level Verification and proof of registration?
The most recent student ID card issued by your child’s school is the best form of grade level identification. If your school does not provide ID cards, then you may bring your child’s most recent report card as long as it shows grade level and date issued. You do not need to bring proof of registration, but it is a good idea to bring either a printout of the email showing the completion of your order or the invoice–this will help us find your order faster in case there is a problem. Your invoice can be printed any time by signing into your account and clicking on your orders and your completion email can be found in your email box.
Are parents allowed to watch?
Parents are allowed to watch only at our tournament on the last Friday during the summer camps. Parents are not allowed to be in the classrooms during any of the camps. The people allowed on campus during the camps (with the exception of the tournament) are employees registered and fingerprinted with the District and students enrolled in the camp.
How do I get on the carpool list?
The institute does not arrange carpools. We only post the information. You must be logged into your account to see the carpool list. To get on the list, email exactly what information you would like to appear on the carpool page. This information should include Camp (Junior, Standard), Date (first or second camp), Session (am or pm or both), area you live and your contact information. The information will then be posted on the website.
What is the special schedule for the tournament on the last Friday of the summer camps?
The last Friday of each summer camp we run a tournament for all of the events. Students are expected to arrive at Monte Vista by 8:00 am. The first round begins between 8:00 and 8:30 am. Two more rounds will follow with the final round at at 11:30 am and lunch beginning at 12:00 pm. Awards and a raffle follows lunch and students will get dismissed by 2:00 pm.
Is it possible to get a receipt or tax id?
Your receipt is available when you sign in to your account and go to past orders. Our tax id is: 68-0273221. See #4.
Are students grouped together by grade level?
In the Standard Camp, students are grouped together by age level and/or experience, unless the class is too small to separate into separate sections. In the Junior Camp, we only separate the 6th graders in the morning Public Speaking class. All other students work together in small groups.
What is the student to teacher ratio for your classes?
In the Standard Camp, we try to keep student to teacher ratio to 12 students per instructor. For the Junior Camp, 6 students per instructor in small groups.
Can my child be in the same class as his or her friends?
Yes, as long as they sign up for the same class at the same camp and are in the same grade. For small groups in the Junior Camp, the student can let us know on the first day when we make the groups. This is not something we can arrange in advance of the camp or at check-in.
For any other questions please email Mr. Matley at the following email address and he will get back to you as soon as possible: